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Dennis presents on creativity at the first Festival of Education



The Sunday Times (more recently, The Daily Telegraph), in cooperation with Wellington College, hosts an annual Festival of Education to provide a "rare opportunity for those genuinely interested in education to gather together to listen to and exchange views with politicians, Vice-Chancellors, educationalists, school leaders, Think Tanks and media personalities on the topics that matter."


The 2010 inaugural event was truly splendid, and attended by some 500 delegates, no doubt attracted by a galaxy of top-rate speakers including Secretary of State for Education Michael Gove, former Secretary of State for Education Lord Baker, the erudite Germaine Greer, the witty the Rory Bremner, and the ultra-urbane Master of Wellington College, Anthony Seldon (now Sir Anthony).


And Dennis too: Dennis was invited to run two interactive workshops, one on each day, entitled Creativity is a process you can learn.


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Dennis's two presentations - on creativity - at the Festival of Education
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